Eating Healthy Over the Holidays

Eating Healthy Over the Holidays

Is it possible to eat healthy during the holiday season?  Parties, lunch dates, social gatherings…at this time of the year it’s difficult to not have a calendar full of events and outings that involve good company, but also a lot of very delicious food. We all know...
Grandparents’ Day

Grandparents’ Day

If you’re a grandparent (or an unofficially adopted grandparent), then mark September 8 off on your calendar as this is National Grandparents’ Day. Although this day isn’t as widely known or celebrated as Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, it certainly is cause for...
Benefits of Senior Housing

Benefits of Senior Housing

Living the Dream Ahhh…retirement. So many of us have a dream for what life will be like when we leave the working world behind. While it’s fantastic to dream, it’s also important to have a plan in place to make that dream a reality. If you’re already at retirement age...
Aging Gracefully

Aging Gracefully

We all know that we can’t possibly live forever and that aging is inevitable. Perhaps your skin is starting to sag a little bit, maybe there are a few more age spots on your hands or you may have noticed that you tire more easily than you used to. These may all be...
Country Fairs Take You Back in Time

Country Fairs Take You Back in Time

July has zoomed by and with any luck, you were able to spend some time at the lake, get some visiting in with friends and family as they toured through Manitoba, and maybe even had a family reunion, wedding or milestone anniversary to attend. As we get ready to turn...