Read the latest update (June 11) regarding how the changes to the Pandemic Response System impact Rotary Villas on our website by clicking here.  All previous updates can also be found on our website or you can keep up-to-date by liking our Facebook page.

Meals will continue to be delivered to suites until public health orders allow us to return to the dining room.

Family and friends can send well wishes (letters, jokes, photos, etc.) to residents via (we ask that the resident’s first & last name be entered into the subject line) and we will deliver it to their suites.  Deliveries for residents can also be dropped off on the table in the main entrance (hit the speaker button to let us know who it’s for so we can get it to the right person).  Please ensure deliveries are also labelled with the resident’s name and/or suite number.

June newsletter:  RV June 2021 Newsletter

Menu calendar for June 20-26:  RV Menu June 20-26 2021.

Menu calendar for June 27-July 3:  RV Menu June 27-July 3, 2021.