Aging Gracefully

Aging Gracefully

We all know that we can’t possibly live forever and that aging is inevitable. Perhaps your skin is starting to sag a little bit, maybe there are a few more age spots on your hands or you may have noticed that you tire more easily than you used to. These may all be...
Country Fairs Take You Back in Time

Country Fairs Take You Back in Time

July has zoomed by and with any luck, you were able to spend some time at the lake, get some visiting in with friends and family as they toured through Manitoba, and maybe even had a family reunion, wedding or milestone anniversary to attend. As we get ready to turn...
Rotary Villas’ Carnival

Rotary Villas’ Carnival

Countdown to Carnival Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) : Second(s) Date:  Saturday, July 20, 2019 Time:  10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Location:  1340 – 10th St., Rotary Villas at Crocus Gardens JOIN US for the Rotary Villas Carnival Everyone is welcome!   Face...
Summer Fun for Seniors

Summer Fun for Seniors

Summer is here! It was officially summer on June 21. While many of us enjoy all the seasons of the year, summer tends to be an absolute favourite. For seniors, the warmer weather is welcome, especially in comparison to the frigid cold we experienced this past winter....