Making Healthy Choices over the Holidays

Making Healthy Choices over the Holidays

While the holidays are a time of good cheer and gatherings with family and friends, they can also be a source of stress. Regular routines are often disrupted, which means that time set aside to exercise is swapped for shopping excursions and a full social calendar...

Holiday Healthy Eating

Maintain healthy goals during the holidays The festive season is upon us. The lights, the music and the decor lift our spirits and put us in a fantastic mood where we embrace all the lovely things that are offered at this time of the year. Celebrations, events and...
Benefits of Volunteering

Benefits of Volunteering

Expertise, Knowledge and Time Let’s face it, as a senior many of us are not as active and involved as we used to be. But, it doesn’t have to be that way. Many worthwhile groups and organizations are looking for volunteers to help out in various ways and senior...

Unique Travel Ideas for Seniors

“To travel is to live.” – Hans Christian Anderson   As we plan for retirement or if we’re already at that stage in our lives, many of us have a goal to do as much travelling as possible.   Whether it’s a couple provinces away to visit grandchildren or...

Boomers Want to Retire in Luxury

The Boom. We’ve all heard about it, we’ve all talked about. Increased birth rates from the mid 1940s to 1964 occurred following World War II, which makes the Baby Boomer generation one of the largest and most well-known. There are 9.6 million Baby Boomers in Canada....

Eating Healthy

We all know how easy it is to get off track when it comes to eating a healthy, well balanced diet.  And it doesn’t seem to matter if you’re 25, 55, 75 or 95-years-old. There are many sayings, like ‘an apple a day will keep the doctor away’ for a reason and that’s...