Summer Fun for Seniors

Summer Fun for Seniors

Summer is here! It was officially summer on June 21. While many of us enjoy all the seasons of the year, summer tends to be an absolute favourite. For seniors, the warmer weather is welcome, especially in comparison to the frigid cold we experienced this past winter....
Stay Active with Yoga

Stay Active with Yoga

Should Seniors Practice Yoga? As life expectancy rates rise on a global level, it is more important than ever to treat our bodies with respect. Regardless of your age, you should determine what small changes you can and wish to make to ensure you can maintain a...
Gardening for Seniors

Gardening for Seniors

As the robins are singing (albeit in the wee hours of the morning!) and the leaves are popping out of their buds, many people are eager to spend more time outside and enjoy all that mother nature has to offer. For seniors, this means long, leisurely walks, finding...
Safe Driving

Safe Driving

It’s that time of the year when we’re all out and about a lot more than we were five months ago! It’s also that time of the year when we’re traveling more on local roads and highways. Because of this, the Canada Safety Council identifies the second week of May as...
Mind Your Manners

Mind Your Manners

Saying please and thank you. Holding a door open for someone. Not wearing a hat while you are eating. Allowing someone to jump ahead of you in a line-up. Not bumping into someone as you walk past them. Saying excuse me when you burp. Not interrupting someone as they...