Mind Your Manners

Mind Your Manners

Saying please and thank you. Holding a door open for someone. Not wearing a hat while you are eating. Allowing someone to jump ahead of you in a line-up. Not bumping into someone as you walk past them. Saying excuse me when you burp. Not interrupting someone as they...
Seniors Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Seniors Celebrate Valentine’s Day

As many storefronts throughout the city are taken over by bright red hearts covered in white lace, we know that St. Valentine’s Day is near. The day has been celebrated for hundreds of years but its historical origins are unclear. What is clear is that February 14 is...
Combatting Winter Blues

Combatting Winter Blues

How Seniors Can Beat the Winter Blues For many of us, we have a bit of a love/hate relationship when it comes to our home province. Love the summers, hate the mosquitos. Love the change in seasons, hate the shorter hours of daylight (and the frigid temperatures!) in...