We’ve turned the page to a new month once again.

We have an exciting month planned.  Our big event this month is Wedding Week (June 12-16).  Check out the newsletter for more details.  Other events we’re looking forward to include a visit from The Batchery Ice Cream; our annual Walk for Alzheimer’s Poker Derby; presentations by the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba and Linda Plowman (Emergency Response Information Kits); armchair travel to Vegas; Volunteer Appreciation Night; more great entertainment; our Father’s Day celebration with cake and a tie tying contest; and so much more!

Stay up-to-date with all our activities:  2023 June RV Newsletter Activity Calendar.

Menu calendar for June 25-July 1:  RV Menu June 25- July 1, 2023.

Menu calendar for July 2-8:  RV Menu July 2-8, 2023.

July newsletter/activity calendar:  2023 July RV Newsletter Activity Calendar.