July 21, 2021

The province of Manitoba moved to Milestone Two on Saturday, July 17 in the Manitoba’s 4-3-2-One Great Summer Reopening Path.  It is anticipated that these orders will remain in place until September 6 or until directed by public health.


  • Masks are required to be worn over the mouth, nose & chin every time you exit your suite in the common & shared areas.
  • Masks are not required when seated in the dining room or during a recreation program, although they are strongly encouraged.

Dining Room Service

  • Residents who are fully immunized may dine together in the dining room.
  • Come to your choice of 1st or 2nd seating and find a spot of your choosing.


  • General visitation may occur in your suite with up to five visitors. Proof of vaccination and photo ID may be required for any visitor who has been outside of Manitoba in the last 14 days. All visitors must enter through the front doors and will be required to answer our COVID screening questions.
  • Outdoor visitation: Up to twenty-five visitors may visit outdoors.
  • It is strongly encouraged that masks be worn by residents and visitors at all times during outdoor and indoor visits.
  • Guest suites and meals are on hold until further restrictions are lifted and increases in capacity are allowed.

Shuttle Service/Leaving Rotary Villas

  • Residents leaving Rotary Villas property are asked to be aware of and follow the current public health orders & guidelines.
  • If a leave of absence results in a breach of the current public health orders you will be provided room service for 14 days after returning to Rotary Villas.


  • Recreation programs will be offered as restrictions allow. Please watch the recreation bulletin area (by the elevator on first floor) for program updates.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Jody Kehler, Executive Director